
- Degreasing and washing of organic matter soils: any fats or oils (whether vegetable oils or mineral oils)
- Can also be used in automatic dishwashers.
- Gloves, mask unnecessary. Ingredients safe even if residue remains.
- No need to wipe twice.
- Prevents oxidation on most metals.
- Improve wastewater related problems by preventing clogging · odor etc. of grease trap · drain pipe etc.
- Removes germs.
- Human patch tested.
- In addition to Acute toxicity testing (LD 50) safety data such as eye irritation, skin irritation, fish toxicity etc. have been acquired.
E-CLEAN(SC) is IMO approved.
Concerning vessels operating on public seas, a treaty on marine pollution prevention has been signed between countries, and in particular, with regard to cleaning liquids that may be discharged in large quantities in environments such as washing of ship tanks, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has established the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.
This product has been evaluated and certified according to strict conditions prescribed.
On December 17, 2004 the IMO under the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) Maritime Environment Protection Committee MARPOL 73/78 Appendix II (3) (4), certified E-CLEAN(SC) for use on Ocean-going craft.
Particularly stipulated in the regulation are readily biodegradable, effectiveness at diluted concentrations of 10% or less, and cannot contain Class A Pollutants.
Because E-CLEAN(SC) is a multi-purpose cleaning fluid, it is suitable not only for tanks but also for floors, desks, kitchens, bathrooms, the cafeteria, the engine room and so on.
Daihatsu Diesel requires E-CLEAN(SC) for cleaning of its Oil Mist Detector devices.
Introduction results (in-board cleaning application)
After comparing with detergent that was in use →
Installation of easy dilution dispenser →